SAIL Release of Liability
Sharing Adventures In Learning (SAIL) is an organization supporting homeschooling families, led entirely by volunteers, including the elected Board of Directors. Participation in all SAIL activities is strictly voluntary.
All activity participants are required to follow the rules and guidelines of any facility being used for a SAIL event. They also agree to follow any additional rules and guidelines requested by hosts, tour guides, field trip coordinators, event sponsors and any other person in a leadership position.
It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children and guests behave in a safe and respectful manner at all activities. SAIL will not tolerate any actions that would put another child in danger. Parents are responsible for any property damage or personal injury caused by their actions or the actions of their children and guests either willfully or through neglect or accident.
I have read this Release of Liability and will ensure that my family and I will abide by the guidelines set forth. I further agree to indemnify and save harmless SAIL, its Board of Directors, representatives and members from any and all claims or demands, cost or expenses arising out of any injuries or damage sustained by me or any party for which I am responsible. I hereby voluntarily assume any and all risk, including injury to my person, to my spouse, or to the child(ren) for whom I signed as a parent or guardian, and/or loss of property, which may be caused as a result of our presence at, or participation in, any SAIL activity.
I understand that the governing documents of SAIL, including the Media Policy, the Release of Liability, and the Code of Conduct also apply to all the members of my family named below, and any guests my family brings to SAIL activities. I will ensure that all the below family members will read or be made aware of the content of Code of Conduct and will adhere to the rules established by SAIL.
I agree that this Release of Liability is valid indefinitely. I will execute a new Release of Liability in the event any information changes regarding my family.
You must agree to and affirm the above, of your free will, by your signature during the application process.