SAIL Media Policy
Sharing Adventures In Learning (“SAIL”) creates and maintains documents, publications, and media storage areas in which images, videos, text, and other media may be stored, used, or published internally. All members have the ability to upload and access photographs of any SAIL member attending any SAIL event to SAIL media storage areas without any approval or review by SAIL volunteers or individual members. These photos, as well as any original artwork or articles submitted by members, may be used in internal SAIL publications, such as the printed yearbook or digital newsletter. All photos, illustrations, original creations, video or other media containing or created by members of SAIL will remain in any publication or storage area intended for use by SAIL members even if the members represented are no longer members of SAIL.
Members who submit an application to SAIL acknowledge that they are aware that SAIL and its members may use, post, edit, and publish photos, illustrations, original creations, video or other media containing, or created by, members of their family in any publication or storage area intended for use by SAIL members without seeking additional permissions or compensation.
Members are able to decide whether media containing or created by members of their family may also be used in external publications and media outlets, such as the SAIL public web site or press releases.